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Frequently asked questions
Is the project idea or solution limited to execution in Canada and/or Canadian issues or can it be global?The project, issues, and solutions are not limited to Canada and can be focused on anywhere in the world. Please make sure to provide context for the issue in terms of the scope and scale of the problem.
Can the three-page submission include the pictures, graphs or non-text visual elements?Yes! There are many ways to express yourself, and you can use the three pages in any number of ways to share your project idea, from text, graphs, pictures or (recommended) a combination that helps best get your innovation across. Note here that the three pages include titles, appendices and abslutely abeverything you want to include in the project plan.
Can I submit the project plan by mail instead of online?Yes! If you do not have sufficient internet or other resources, you may submit the plan by mail. If you have any difficulty with submitting a link to the proposal or would like to mail the submission, please contact
Do I have to be Canadian to participate in the competition?No! Anyone residing in Canada or part of a Canadian institution, for example international students attending Canadian universities or high schools, are welcome to participate.
Can I participate if I turn 26 years old this year?Participants born after Dec 31st 1996 and before Dec 31st 2006 are eligible for this competition.
Can I apply this year if I was already a participant in the 2020 or 2021 competition?Absolutely! If you are using your project from last year, you will be asked in the submission form to confirm that you've significantly improved your idea. Re-application using the same three-page proposal from last year will result in a disqualification. NOTE: We are reviewing this eligibility criteria, with a possibility that past winners or finalists may not be allowed to participate. We will have final details on June 27.
What if I have more questions or something very specific to my situation?No problem! Reach out to our lead coordinator Shitangshu with any further questions by e-mailing him @ You can also book some time in his calendar for a deeper conversation @ Don't hesitate to reach out! And you can also reach out to our other coordinators at the e-mail indicated in the footer, we look forward to helping you out as best we can :)
Other questions? Contact
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